So entry is everything when you're a day trader figuring out when is the best time to enter a stock there's a lot of different ideas and different theories on this and one of the theories I've been trading recently and lately is first five-minute candle to make a new high and kind of I'll break down that idea and break down theory in this video here so you can see here looking at AMD AMD ran up big yesterday it jumped up to 14 36 pre-market and then pulled back for your heart and you can see here it opened a crash 14 16 all the way down to 1356 so a big sell-off there ended up getting this washout long it sells off pretty hard you can buy this dip if you get lucky enough you buy the bottom and you kind of get that move all the way back up to where it opened at and you can see that's kind of what happened here so everybody who bought this dip here ended up getting in 1356 1370 area here on this support and then you know maybe they're still riding it all the way up here to 1436 looking for a new high of day where's the safer entry if you're not trying to buy the dip here well the favored entry for me in theory would be the first five minute candle to make a new high over this big sell-off they had this big drop drop from 1416 down at 1356 it could have bought the first 5-minute can't make a new high after this candle here at 13 80 this can't I'll ran out the 1391 I pulled back to that 1368 area and then kept moving higher but really for me looking at this chart I would say the 14 16 that would be where that big sell-off started at at 14 60 it crashed down here to 1356 so really just kind of looking at the possibility of getting in above this 1416 area first five-minute candle to go over that area actually explode up pretty big so jumps up from 14 11 they're up to 1425 so a nice little move there if you got in on this candle you know this you don't have to get in right at 14 16 because this 5-minute count might have jumped up and came back down a little bit but once that broke through that area we'll look at the one-minute chart to kind of look at that more detail but you can see this is the first 5 min you can make a new high and now it's running up to that pre market high there at 1436 so big jump up from that first 5-minute candle to make a new high above that 1416 area and you can see kind of support resistance obviously that 14 16 is going to be the resistance because it was a big sell-off from before so you're like okay if you just above that 1416 area I'm going to like to go along here for the possible move back up to high a day which is happening right now on AMD and if you look at the 1-minute chart kind of get a better idea here you can see on the one-minute chart bang-bang-bang you know it's hitting on this 1416 area is trying to break through pulled back to this 1408 area and then BAM here on this one minute on this one-minute candle here and ran up from 14 16 up to 14 26 pullback kind of bounce off that area 14 16 14 18 area has some nice support and then finally moving higher up here to 1440 now so nice little move there on that first five mini candle to make a new high looking at the 1-minute chart here you get a better idea of the actual you know smaller moves here but when you look at the five-minute chart trading up the 5-minute chart you get a better idea of the overall chart the overall moves so getting in there at 1416 for that nice move higher up here if you're getting in there at the 1416 area where would your stop-loss be my stop-loss would have been around this 1410 area kinda on the bottom of this 5-minute candle so if I know that we're looking for that break of 1416 I get in there 1416 and then all the sudden starts crashing down I'm going to kind of get out there 1410 kind of knowing that's the bottom that's Kindle maybe 1408 given like an 8-cent drop there if I need it but overall kind of looking for this 1416 area to turn into support once it breaks through there and that's exactly what happened you get this move through the 1416 resistance from earlier the high of this 5-minute candle that drops there at open get that big sell-off and so once it gets above that get bullish move there and you can see this just steady trend right now really nice trend actually buying this you know at the bottom here and it's just been following this trend all the way up here beautiful trend actually so from 1356 up to the high pre-market and blowing through that 1436 now to 1440 so really like I said if you entered here at the 1416 area along your stop-loss here the 1408 area you'd be safe for that move higher in this light year and just follow this trend on up you could keep on falling it this might keep going higher the day goes on and kind of keep an eye on this trend here and watching it and you can see pretty pretty nice trend there so it's really once that found that bottom there it's just been following that trend higher and higher and higher it really just bouncing off this trendline all the way up here so I like to trade with that five-minute chart in mind looking for that first 5-minute candle make a new high like I said you could have entered down here lower kind of riskier but if you're really looking for the safe entry here the safest entry would have been above this sell-off here at 1416 and you can see how it worked out perfectly there getting in there 1416 riding it up here to looking to take profit if it couldn't get above 14 36 there and keep the trend going it might have crashed down if it had problems we can see here it's up to 1440 now so nice little move there on AMD this morning and you know it's not always about the most volatile craziest stock sometimes it's just about finding a nice trend like this one getting in there on the trendline getting in there above the resistance from earlier first five-minute candle to make a new high their expense open and nice little move there on AMD so hopefully this answer some of your questions gives you an idea another strategy for you to have in your book of strategies for day trading get a better idea for some in better entry some better overall plays here and safer entries on stocks that we're all and like I said I use the 5 min chart got the 5 min chart over here pulled up kind of a bigger picture and I'm looking at the 1-minute chart kind of for my entry so I'm looking for a small micro pullback kind of on this trendline so once the pullback from here I might look to get in at the 1435 area maybe on this if it wants a hold support there but overall you can see AMD nice little move there running up sup 2.9% on the day so you get about 4% move here from this bottom if you got lucky and bought the bottom on this one if you have any questions leave a comment below if you enjoyed the video make sure you subscribe the channel and leave a comment like the video all that kind of fun stuff working on new videos daily you.

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