What is the demo account

What is the demo account? And what is the benefit?

Demo account: It is an open account with your Forex company and through which you can do the transactions buy and sell but with fake funds and not the fact This is the 31 lesson of the course of Forex education

The goal of the account is to train on Forex and the market and this account is very useful

Features of the demo account

The account works like a real one but the difference is that the money here is just numbers

You can open any number of demo accounts to train them

When dealing with a new strategy and you want to apply to it you will open a demo account and this will be very useful

You will be able to simulate the market, deal with it and train well before you enter the real account

You will find a forex company that we nominate for you to deal with

Now go to the next lesson in the Forex Education Course for beginners through the ForexCookash site

Another explanation
How do you trade in Forex? With a brokerage firm

This is the title of lesson 30 of the course of free Forex education on the site of Forex Cochach How to monitor the movement of prices and changes in currency rates and how to buy and sell and how to deal with the company or the brokerage company

In order to enter this area and start the transactions, you first have to open an account with Forex, which in turn will be a broker between you and the market and financial institutions

Through the account you will download a program which is often the MetaTrader and we will mention in the lessons coming from the course of Forex education the program in detail and how to deal with it

Through the program will monitor the movement of prices and it will change momentarily whether rising or falling

Through the program you can open and close deals after installing the software on your computer or your phone

The program will have several windows

A window with their currencies will choose which pair will work on it

Another window with a change in price, whether the rise or fall

Another window displays your account details

As well as a window with available margin, margin used and open and closed positions

Now go to the next lesson of the Forex Education course

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