What is the Islamic account in Forex and the difference between it and the rest of the accounts

What is the Islamic account in Forex and the difference between it and the rest of the accounts

What is the Islamic account in Forex This is the lesson of the 33 of the course of teaching Forex for beginners on the site of free Forex Kokash in order to pursue this field and continue the previous lessons to be able to keep a constant knowledge of all the lessons of the course and now move to the partial What is the Islamic account in Forex and what is the difference B and B and other accounts

The Islamic account is the account for which interest is not calculated if you make your transaction open for 24 hours without closing it. You will find in our section the best forex companies. The best company we deal with Islamic account

Where you know in Forex that if you open a deal and left more than 24 hours you are charged different interest depending on the currency pair

But as far as we are concerned, it is forbidden in Islam to interest interest, but in forex companies

In order not to lose the Muslim customers, it allowed them to open an Islamic account without a subsidy in the case of leaving deals open for more than 24 will not find that it deducted from you any benefits

This is the difference between the Islamic account and any other account

Now go to the next lesson of the free Forex course provided by our ForexCookash

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